Hollywood Hate & Prejudice
"Kramer's racist tirade" left Hollywood gasping in disgust and displeasure. Yet it also revealed some underlying hate within the Hollywood community that has been buried deep within obviously for quite some time.
Michael Richards ("Kramer" on Seinfield) exploded in anger as he performed at a famous L.A. comedy club last Friday, hurling racial epithets that left the crowd gasping. Richards appeared onstage at the Laugh Factory in West Hollywood. Kyle Doss, an African-American, told TMZ he and some friends were in the cheap seats and he was playfully heckling Richards when suddenly, the comedian lost it.
The camera started rolling just as Richards began his attack, screaming at one of the men, "Fifty years ago we'd have you upside down ...."
Richards continued, "You can talk, you can talk...."
The crowd was visibly and audibly confused and upset. Richards responds by saying, "They're going to arrest me for calling a black man a nigger."
One of the men who was the object of Richard's tirade was outraged, shouting back "That's uncalled for, ain't necessary."
After the three-minute tirade, it appears the majority of the audience members got up and left in disgust.
Richards is not alone when it comes to verbalizing hate. Consider some others well-known names in Hollywood.
Mel Gibson unleashed an infamous anti-semitic tirade after he was busted for driving drunk in Malibu, California. It was a sad day for Christians as Mr. Gibson had brilliantly produced a beautiful film "The Passion," which captured the passion and life of Christ. Jesus Christ was a Jew Himself. Apparently Gibson's Roman Catholic Priest never taught him as to the historical and geneological roots of Jesus.
Marlin Brando's outspokenness often got him in trouble. On "Larry King Live," he spoke about the "Jews" who ran Hollywood. Brando later made an appearance at the Museum of Tolerance to apologize.
Like it or not, anyone wanting to have a career in Hollywood must respect the Jewish community that runs show business. Influence and power is always something people get embittered and jealous about regardless of who has it.
Paris Hilton found herself in hot water when a tape allegedly surfaced, featuring her using the n-word. I guess it is hard to hide your heart isn't it? From the overflow of the heart eventually comes the words of the mouth. Undoubtedly one's upbringing and the opinions therein have a lot to do with the star's sentiments pertaining to certain racial groups.
Comedian Sacha Baron Cohen's controversial alter ego fears Jews, women and homosexuals. He says: "The Jews started all wars. We also have proof that they were responsible for killing off all the dinosaurs. And Hurricane Katrina - they did it."
Personal opinions prefaced with attempted humor and playful rhetoric certainly does not diminish the content of what one is saying. Sacha Baron Cohen has certainly revealed his anti-semitic heart.
California governor and film star Arnold Schwarzenegger was caught on tape calling Cubans and Puerto Ricans naturally feisty and temperamental because of their mix of "black blood" and "Latino blood". Arnold certainly didn't learn how to be politically correct with this comment. I guess it doesn't matter to him seeing how a non-born U.S. citizen cannot run for the office of President anyhow. Who knows? Maybe the Mexicans in California agree with him.
Frank Carlton Ferrano a.k.a. Nikki Sixx, a member of the Montley Crue band was arrested for allegedly provoking a crowd to attack an African American security guard at a concert after Sixx directed racial slurs at the man and poured liquor on his head.
You would think an entertainer who gets paid to connect with his audience would not be endeavoring to alienate them with such racial remarks and actions. Nevertheless rock'n roll stars never have been known for their intelligence. I do hope local police prosecute such offenders as Ferrano to the full extent of the law and don't let them off the hook because of their star status. Ferrano certainly isn't shining with the African American community.
A Beverly Hills parking attendant accused 73-year-old "Dr. Zhivago" star Omar Sharif of beating him in a drunken rage and calling him "a stupid Mexican" after the valet refused to accept euros as payment.
I guess when in America buddy, pay in American currency yeah! Otherwise go exchange your own currency before paying for services rendered. Just because the Euro is stronger than the dollar doesn't mean people want to take time out of their precious schedule to stand in line at the nearest bank to exchange it. Now who's "stupid" pal? Perhaps if you'd be a bit more courteous and explained the power of the Euro, the valet attendant might have actually taken it.
You reap what you sow. What comes around goes around. Treating people disrespectfully and harshly is by no means helping you personally nor professionally. You'd think the stars would realize the power of the media and negative publicity. Apparently many are too mesmerized by their own stardom and fame, which has darkened their understanding to the reality that without the support and backing of the people they are out of show business. Some self-absorbed tirades and "shows" just aren't worth listening to or watching.
It is time people learned some manners. We should endeavor to respect all human beings despite our differences and disagreements. Uphold all humanity in dignity despite how they choose to believe and live their lives. Do unto others and you'd have them to do unto you.
Malice toward none. Charity for all.
Paul Davis is author of several books including Adultery: 101 Reasons; Are You Ready for True Love?; and Breakthrough for a Broken Heart a book telling us "How to overcome disappointments and blossom into your dreams!" He is a minister, life coach (relational & professional), dating expert, popular worldwide keynote speaker, creative consultant, mediator, liberator and dream-maker.
Paul's compassion for people & passion to travel has taken him to over 50 countries of the world where he has had a tremendous impact. Paul has served many in war-torn, impoverished and tsunami stricken regions of the earth. His organization Dream-Maker Ministries is building dreams, breaking limitations, and reviving nations.
Paul's Breakthrough Seminars inspire, revive, awaken, impregnate with purpose, impart the fire of desire, catapult people into a new level of self-awareness, facilitate destiny discovery and dream fulfillment.
Paul can be contacted at: RevivingNations@yahoo.com - 407-967-7553 or 407-284-1705.
For additional info: http://www.CreativeCommunications.TV, http://www.DreamMakerMinistries.com
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